This post begins a short series meant to serve as an informal guide to reading Haskell code and translating back and forth with mathematics. It’s meant to help members of r/CategoryTheory understand posts that use Haskell code to convey ideas. My hope is that this series should also find use among Haskell programmers, as exposure to some of the basic methods and terminology used in modern math.

Basic types and functions

Math is concerned with defining sets and functions. Analogously, Haskell code is concerned with defining types and functions.

data RealVec2 = RV2 RealNumber RealNumber

rv2Norm :: RealVec2 -> RealNumber
rv2Norm (RV2 u v) = sqrt (u**2 + v**2)

rv2Scale :: RealNumber -> RealVec2 -> RealVec2
rv2Scale r (RV2 x y) = RV2 (r*x) (r*y)

rv2Add :: RealVec2 -> RealVec2 -> RealVec2
rv2Add (RV2 a1 a2) (RV2 b1 b2) = RV2 (a1+b1) (a2+b2)

The above code roughly translate to the following definitions:

  • A set \(\mathrm{RealVec2}\),
\[\mathrm{RealVec2} = \{ (\mathrm{RV2}, x, y) \mid x, y \in \mathbb{R} \}\]
  • A single-variable function \(\mathrm{rv2Norm}\),
\[\mathrm{rv2Norm} : \mathrm{RealVec2} \to \mathbb{R} \\ \mathrm{rv2Norm}\big((\mathrm{RV2}, u, v)\big) = \sqrt{u^2 + v^2}\]
  • A two-variable function \(\mathrm{rv2Scale}\),
\[\mathrm{rv2Scale} : \mathbb{R} \times \mathrm{RealVec2} \to \mathrm{RealVec2} \\ \mathrm{rv2Scale}\big( r, (\mathrm{RV2}, x, y) \big) = ( \mathrm{RV2}, rx, ry )\]
  • A two-variable function \(\mathrm{rv2Add}\), and
\[\mathrm{rv2Add} : \mathrm{RealVec2} \times \mathrm{RealVec2} \to \mathrm{RealVec2} \\ \mathrm{rv2Add}\big( (\mathrm{RV2}, a_1, a_2), (\mathrm{RV2}, b_1, b_2) \big) = ( \mathrm{RV2}, a_1 + b_1, a_2 + b_2 )\]
  • A two-variable function \(\mathrm{RV2}\).
\[\mathrm{RV2} : \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathrm{RealVec2} \\ \mathrm{RV2}(r_1, r_2) = ( \mathrm{RV2}, r_1, r_2 )\]

Straightforward enough (except maybe for the \(\mathrm{RV2}\) bit). Let’s dig into the syntax of the Haskell code to understand each part.

data RealVec2 = RV2 RealNumber RealNumber
-- ^ `data`, keyword that begins a type definition
--   ^^^^^^^^ `RealVec2`, the name we give this function
--              ^^^ `RV2`, a "data constructor", or "tag", we define
--                  ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ `RealNumber`, a reference to an already-defined type
--                                        we define `RV2` as having two "fields," or "arguments"
--                                        each field contains a data object of type `RealNumber`

Pattern matching and variables

The tag RV2 does a number of things.

  • It ensures that the type RealVec2 has no members in common with any other type (this is one reason why it’s called a tag).
  • It acts as a function that allows the programer to create data objects of type RealVec2. This is why it’s called a data constructor, and we use RV2 in this capacity in the formulae of rv2Scale and rv2Add.
  • Third, notice that RV2 is an injective function, allowing us to use RV2 to refer to arbitrary members of RealVec2. This is the main sense in which RV2 is a tag: every member of RealVec2 has a unique form RV2 x y for some particular x and y in RealNumber. We take advantage of this fact in the definitions of rv2Norm, rv2Scale, and rv2Add.
rv2Norm :: RealVec2 -> RealNumber
-- ^^^^ define a function named `rv2Norm`
--      ^^ `rv2Norm` has type `RealVec2 -> RealNumber`
--         ^^^^^^^^ `rv2Norm` has domain type `RealVec2`
--                     ^^^^^^^^^^ `rv2Norm` has codomain type `RealNumber`

rv2Norm (RV2 u v) = sqrt (u**2 + v**2)
--                ^ equation defining `rv2Norm`
--      ^^^^^^^^^ An arbitrary member of `RealVec2` must match this pattern
--                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ formula that computes the value of `rv2Norm (RV2 u v)`

Expressing a data object in terms of a data constructor is called pattern matching. Pattern matching is ubiquitous in Haskell. To define rv2Norm, we match its argument against the pattern that the RV2 data constructor follows: namely, the symbol RV2 followed by two variables representing the data objects contained in the fields of RV2. We do likewise in the definitions of rv2Scale and rv2Add.

rv2Scale :: RealNumber -> RealVec2 -> RealVec2
rv2Scale r (RV2 x y) = RV2 (r*x) (r*y)
--       ^ `r`, a variable representing the first argument of `rv2Scale`
--         ^^^^^^^^^ `(RV2 x y)`, pattern matching the second argument of `rv2Scale`
--              ^ `x`, a variable representing the contents of the first field of `RV2`
--                ^ `y`, a variable representing the contents of the second field of `RV2`
--                     ^^^ `RV2`, used to construct a data object
--                         ^^^^^ `(r*x)`, the contents we intend for the first field
--                               ^^^^^ `(r*y)` the contents we intend for the second field

rv2Add :: RealVec2 -> RealVec2 -> RealVec2
rv2Add (RV2 a1 a2) (RV2 b1 b2) = RV2 (a1+b1) (a2+b2)
--     ^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern match the first argument of `rv2Add`
--                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ pattern match the second argument of `rv2Add`
--          ^^ `a1`, name we choose for the first field of the first argument
--             ^^ `a2`, name we choose for the second field of the first argument
--                      ^^ `b1` we name we choose for the first field of the second argument
--                         ^^ `b2`, name we choose for the second field of the second argument

Again, the names we choose for variables are arbitrary.

Before we move on, I should take a moment to be clear about what I mean by the word variable in this context. You might already know that programmers often use the word variable to refer to a region of program memory that can be referenced, read from, and written to by the program at various times during execution. That is not what I mean by variable in this sense. In this post, I use variable to mean an abstract symbol used as a placeholder for a functions eventual argument, that is, the usual meaning of the word, as it’s used in math.

A note on multi-variable functions

Next, it’s time to have a little talk about the number of variables a Haskell function has.

rv2Scale :: RealNumber -> RealVec2 -> RealVec2
-- ^^^^^ defining a function named `rv2Scale`
--          ^^^^^^^^^^ domain type is `RealNumber`
--                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ codomain type is `RealVec2 -> RealVec2`
rv2Scale r (RV2 x y) = RV2 (r*x) (r*y)

When reading type signatures, the right-most function arrow (the ->) takes precedence. The above code would be equivalent to the following (valid) code.

rv2Scale :: RealNumber -> (RealVec2 -> RealVec2)
rv2Scale r = f
  where f (RV2 x y) = RV2 (r*x) (r*y)

Earlier, I conceived of the math counterpart to rv2Scale as mapping \(\mathbb{R} \times \mathrm{RealVec2}\) to \(\mathrm{RealVec2}\). Were I to maintain fuller fidelity to the meaning of the Haskell code, though, I would have used the following instead.

\[\mathrm{rv2Scale} : \mathbb{R} \to \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\big(\mathrm{RealVec2},\mathrm{RealVec2}\big)\]

A Haskell function may take one, and only one, argument. When we speak of a multi-variable function in Haskell, we really mean a function of one variable that returns a function. This might seem odd at first, but please consider that Haskell actually agrees with our notion of function arguments in math. When we speak colloquially of a two-variable (math) function, what we truly speak of is a function of a single variable—the domain merely happens to be a cartesian product.

\[\mathrm{rv2Scale} : \underbrace{\mathbb{R} \times \mathrm{RealVec2}}_{\text{this is still just one set!}} \to \mathrm{RealVec2} \\ \mathrm{rv2Scale} \underbrace{\big( r, (\mathrm{RV2}, x, y) \big)}_{\text{this is still just one argument!}} = ( \mathrm{RV2}, rx, ry )\]

As it is in math, so it is in Haskell: all functions are single-variable functions.

But still, instead of returning a function, I could have defined rv2Scale as taking a pair as argument. Haskell has built-in syntax for ordered pairs, even. The type (RealNumber, RealVec2) is the Haskell analog of the set \(\mathbb{R} \times \mathrm{RealVec2}\). We could have used that to define rv2Scale.

rv2Scale :: (RealNumber, RealVec2) -> RealVec2
rv2Scale (r, RV2 x y) = RV2 (r*x) (r*y)

The reason haskellers favor using the formulation RealNumber -> (RealVec2 -> RealVec2) (which is call the curried form) over the equivalent formulation (RealNumber, RealVec2) -> RealVec2 (which is call the uncurried form) is simply due to Haskell’s syntax. You must have noticed by now that Haskell’s syntax rules allow you to omit the parentheses normally used to indicate function application. Function application parentheses may be omitted whenever the argument consists of a single symbol.

rv2Reflect :: RealVec2 -> RealVec2
rv2Reflect (RV2 x y) = RV2 y x
--                         ^ first argument is a single-symbol, no parentheses needed
--                           ^ second argument is a single-symbol, no parentheses needed
--         ^^^^^^^^^ argument is a compound expression, requires parentheses

Because Haskell allows you to omit function-application parentheses, the curried formulation ends up being far more convenient to use and (arguably) easier to read than the uncurried formulation. There isn’t a deeper reason than that.

In summary, the code we’ve seen so far defines:

  • a type, RealVec2;
  • a function RV2, with domain type RealNumber and codomain type RealNumber -> RealVec2;
  • a function rv2Norm, with domain type RealVec2 and codomain type RealNumber;
  • a function rv2Scale, with domain type RealNumber and codomain type RealVec2 -> RealVec2;
  • a function rv2Add with domain type RealVec2 and codomain type RealVec2 -> RealVec2; and
  • a function rv2Reflect with domain type RealVec2 and codomain type RealVec2.

Since their codomains are function types, rv2Scale, rv2Add, and RV2 all yield functions. Even though it’s a little bit of a lie, it’s often convenient to think of such function-yielding-functions as having multiple variables.

  • Think of rv2Scale as having two inputs, with types RealNumber and RealVec2, and an output of type RealVec2.
  • Think of rv2Add as having two inputs, both with type RealVec2, and an output of type RealVec2.
  • Think of RV2 as having two inputs, both with type RealNumber, and an output of type RealVec2. RV2 is injective when thought of this way, a fact we use when we pattern match.

Readers may choose to skip this next aside, unless they feel like really nerding out.

Simple sum types and branching

Haskell ships with a standard library called base. base comes with several useful data types predefined. Among them are Bool and Ordering.

data Bool = False | True
data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

In math, they would look something like this.

\[\mathrm{Bool} = \{ \mathrm{False}, \mathrm{True} \} \\ \mathrm{Ordering} = \{ \mathrm{LT}, \mathrm{EQ}, \mathrm{GT} \}\]

Each of False, True, LT, EQ, and GT is a data constructor with no fields. Conceptually they are constants, uniquely identified and referenced by their respective names.

Branching logic

The base library defines various operations on these data types, such as the familiar boolean operations.

not :: Bool -> Bool
not True = False
not False = True

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True || True = True
True || False = True
False || True = True
False || False = False

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
p && q =
  case (p, q) of
    (True, True) -> True
    (True, False) -> False
    (False, True) -> False
    (False, False) -> False

Here we see our first examples of branching logic in a Haskell function. Fundamentally, all branching in Haskell is done by pattern matching.

  • The branching in not and (||) is accomplished by defining several different equations. Each such equation matches a different pattern of the arguments, in other words, a different combination of data constructors.

  • (&&) branches using a case expression. Each case of the case expression matches a different pattern.

I could have defined (&&) with multiple equations, like (||), but I wanted to have an example that used a case expression.

We also see our first example of operators. By giving them symbolic names, Haskell knows that we intend the functions (&&) and (||) to be binary operators. This is reflected in the equations defining these functions.

Final note on these before moving on, each of (&&) and (||) really just needs two cases. In fact, defining these functions this way may cause the program to do more computations than necessary. Accordingly, Haskell syntax allows us to use an underscore (the character _) to indicate a match-anything pattern.

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
False || False = False
_ || _ = True

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True && True = True
_ && _ = False

If-then-else and guards

base provides a type Double that implements IEEE 754 double-precision floating point arithmetic. Let’s define a function that compares Doubles and yields an Ordering.

compareDoubles :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoubles x y =
  case x < y of
    True -> LT
    False -> case x > y of
      True -> GT
      False -> EQ

x < y is a member of Bool, which we then pattern match. Pattern matching a member of Bool is such common idiom that Haskell has a syntactic shortcut for it.

compareDoubles :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoubles x y =
  if x < y
    then LT
    else if x > y
      then GT
      else EQ

We can style that in various different ways, to our preference.

compareDoublesAlt1 :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoublesAlt1 x y =
  if x < y then
  else if x > y then

compareDoublesAlt2 :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoublesAlt2 x y =
  if x < y then LT else
  if x > y then GT else

compareDoublesAlt3 :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoublesAlt3 x y = if x < y then LT else if x > y then GT else EQ

All of those are still a bit clunky, so Haskell syntax has a shorthand for checking a series of conditions. The syntax is reminiscent of defining a piecewise function.

compareDoubles :: Double -> Double -> Ordering
compareDoubles x y
  | x < y = LT
  | x > y = GT
  | otherwise = EQ

The translation to math is straightforward.

\[\mathrm{compareDoubles} : \mathrm{Double} \times \mathrm{Double} \to \mathrm{Ordering} \\ \mathrm{compareDoubles}(x, y) = \begin{cases} \mathrm{LT} & \text{if $x < y$} \\ \mathrm{GT} & \text{if $x > y$} \\ \mathrm{EQ} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

Algebraic data types

Recall the types we’ve seen so far.

data RealVec2 = RV2 RealNumber RealNumber

data Bool = False | True

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT

RealVec2 builds a type by packaging data objects from several other types into a single conceptual unit. Virtually all programming languages have this feature, known under various different names. Some call such types structs, some languages call them objects, other languages call them records, and so on.

Bool and Ordering are defined by enumerating their members. Many programming languages support defining enumeration types, or enums, similarly.

In Haskell lingo, RealVec2 is an example of a product type. Bool and Ordering as special cases of sum types, though we will see sum types that are much more general. We will now see that the terminology, “product” and “sum,” is deserved.

Product types and universal projection maps

If you’re very clever, you may already have recognize RealVec2 as a categorical product of RealNumber with itself. We need to define the universal projection maps and verify the universal product property to make sure we’re right.

Claim 1

RealVec2 is a product of RealNumber and RealNumber, with projection maps p1 :: RealVec2 -> RealNumber and p2 :: RealVec2 -> RealNumber defined by p1 (RV2 x _) = x and p2 (RV2 _ y) = y.


Let T be a type, and suppose we have f1 :: T -> RealNumber and f2 :: T -> ReadNumber. Define f :: T -> RealVec2 by f t = RV2 (f1 t) (f2 t). We need to show that f1 and f2 factor through f. To this end, take any t in T. We have

(p1 . f) t === p1 (f t) === p1 (RV2 (f1 t) (f2 t)) === f1 t


(p2 . f) t === p2 (f t) === p2 (RV2 (f1 t) (f2 t)) === f2 t

so f1 === p1 . f and f2 === p2 . f, as required.

Next, we need to show that f is the only function through which f1 and f2 factor in this way. Suppose that g :: T -> RealVec2 is any function satisfying f1 === p1 . g and f2 === p2 . g. Take any t in T, and let g t === RV2 u v for some u and v in RealNumber. We have

f1 t === (p1 . g) t === p1 (g t) === p1 (RV2 u v) === u


f2 t === (p2 . g) t === p2 (g t) === p2 (RV2 u v) === v

so f1 t === u and f2 t === v. Then

f t === RV2 (f1 t) (f2 t) === RV2 u v === g t

so g === f, which completes the proof.

So, Haskell admits pairwise products of types. In fact, Haskell can express the product of any number of types (up to machine limitations). If A1, A2, …, AN are types, we define their product as so.

data P = PCons A1 A2 ... AN

p1 :: P -> A1
p1 (PCons x _ ... _) = x

p2 :: P -> A1
p2 (PCons _ x ... _) = x


pN :: P -> AN
pN (PCons _ _ ... x) = x

The names P, PCons, p1, p2, …, pN are arbitrary. The ... is pseudo-code for however many types you have/underscores you need.

Defining the functions p1, p2, …, pN can be rather tedious. Haskell gives us a shorthand way to define both the product type and the projection maps at once, using named fields.

data P = PCons {p1 :: A1, p2 :: A2, ..., pN :: AN}

This has all the effects of the first code block. It creates the function p1, p2, …, pN and the function PCons :: A1 -> A2 -> ... -> AN -> P. It also has the additional effect that we may choose to supply arguments to PCons either positionally or by name, to our preference. Here’s what I mean.

x :: P
x = PCons x1 x2 ... xN -- `PCons` with arguments supplied positionally.

y :: P
y = PCons {p1 = y1, p2 = y2, ..., pN = yN} -- `PCons` with arguments supplied by name.

When supplying arguments by name, we don’t need to remember the order in which the various fields were originally declared. Any permutation of the fields is valid. The below example is perfectly valid.

data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer}

daniel :: Person
daniel = Person {age = 21, name = "Daniel"}

I slipped in a new concept there that Haskellers like to call “name punning.” I used “Person” as the name of the type and as the name of the data constructor. This is legal and valid haskell, and it’s pretty common, especially when a data type has only one data constructor.

Sum types and universal inclusion maps

Bool and Ordering are each defined by explicitly listing their members. Most languages support this, and it’s typically called enumerated types, or enums. In Haskell, a types that have more than one data constructor are called sum types.

One of Haskell’s innovative features is that it allows you to freely combine both product type and sum types.

data Payment
  = Cash {amount :: Dollars}
  | Card {amount :: Dollars, cardNo :: CardNumber, zip :: ZipCode}
  | Complimentary {amount :: Dollars} -- still need to keep track of how much we're giving away!

Here we have a data type with three data constructors. The novel feature of Haskell is that it allows a programmer to give different fields to each constructor in an enumeration. (I know, it’s crazy that this is a novel feature in programming languages!)

Notice that the constructors Cash and Complimentary have the same fields. Because of their tags, they will create different copies of Dollar in Payment. Thus, we have defined a tagged union.

\[\begin{align*} \mathrm{Payment} &= \{ (\mathrm{Cash}, x) | x \in \mathrm{Dollars} \} \\ &\cup \{ (\mathrm{Card}, x, y, z) | x \in \mathrm{Dollars}, y \in \mathrm{CardNumber}, z \in \mathrm{ZipCode} \} \\ &\cup \{ (\mathrm{Complimentary}, x) | x \in \mathrm{Dollars} \} \end{align*}\]

Tagged unions are coproducts of sets. Similarly, sum types in Haskell are coproducts of types.

Claim 2

Payment is the coproduct of Dollars, (Dollars, CardNumber, ZipCode) and Dollars, where the inclusion maps are defined as i1 x = Cash x, i2 (x, y, z) = Card x y z, and i3 x = Complimentary x.


Let T be a type, and suppose we have f1 :: Dollars -> T, f2 :: (Dollars, CardNumber, ZipCode) -> T, and f3 :: Dollars -> T. Define f :: Payment -> T as follows.

f (Cash x) = f1 x
f (Card x y z) = f2 (x, y, z)
f (Complimentary x) = f3 x

We need to show that f1, f2 and f3 factor through f. For f1, take any x in Dollars. Then

(f . i1) x === f (i1 x) === f (Cash x) === f1 x

so f1 === f . i1.

For f2, take any (x, y, z) in (Dollars, CardNumber, ZipCode).

(f . i2) (x, y, z) === f (i2 (x, y, z)) === f (Card x y z) === f2 (x, y, z)

so f2 === f . i2.

For f3, take any x in Dollars.

(f . i3) x === f (i3 x) === f (Complimentary x) === f3 x

so f3 === f . i3. Thus, f1, f2, and f3 factor through f, as required.

Next, we need to show that f is the only function through which f1, f2, and f3 factor in this way. Suppose that g :: Payment -> T is any function satisfying f1 === g . i1, f2 === g . i2, and f3 === g . i3. Take any p in Payment. We have three cases to consider.

If p === Cash x for some x in Dollars, then

f (Cash x) === f1 x === (g . i1) x === g (i1 x) === g (Cash x)

so g p === f p in case p === Cash x.

If p === Credit x y z for some x in Dollars, y in CardNumber, and z in ZipCode, then

f (Credit x y z) === f2 (x, y, z) === (g . i2) (x, y, z) === g (i2 (x, y, z)) === g (Credit x y z)

so g p === f p in case p === Credit x y z.

If p === Complimentary x for some x in Dollars, then

f (Complimentary x) === f3 x === (g . i3) x === g (i3 x) === g (Complimentary x)

so g p === f p in case p === Complimentary x.

In all cases, g p === f p, so g === f, completing the proof.

A programming language supports definition of product type and coproduct types, it is said to support algebraic data types.


In this post, we say how arbitrary products and coproducts of Haskell types can be expressed as Haskell types. Roughly, we have a category similar to \(\mathrm{SET}\), where Haskell types are the objects and Haskell functions are the maps. That’s more-or-less the case, although there are a few caveats that we might have time for at the end. In the mean time, it’s useful to limit our discussion to the fragment of Haskell were it is true. This observation, though, is far from the total extant to which Category theory bares its teeth in Haskell.

As a parting note, notice that in the proofs of claims 1 and 2, we defined the induced map in a very ad hoc, manual way. In the next post, we’ll see how to write a Haskell program that generates these induced maps, naturally. Moreover, slipping the word naturally in there was intentional. We will rely on a concept called type variables. With type variables, we will be able to turn the machinery of Haskell in on itself. Type variables will allow us to embed—and leverage, to great utility—functors and natural transformation within Haskell programs.