In a previous post, we added exception handling to a hypothetical API server written in Scala. Since Scala implicitly allows arbitrary I/O anywhere, modeling exception handling by adding a layer of indirection using Either values was essentially free. I wanted to try implementing the same logic in Haskell, which would force us to deal with intermingling exception handling intermingled with explicit I/O, creating two layers of abstraction that we’ll have to juggle.

The Problem

Let’s do a quick recap of the problem. We are implementing an HTTP API that accepts only POST requests. We have simple Request and Response types.

data Request = Request
  { path :: String
  , method :: String
  , body :: String
  , header :: [(String, String)]

data Response = Response { code :: Int, content :: String } deriving Show

Our domain types are Users and Resources. We assume that this app is responsible for auth, so we may create a User value from the Request auth token without any I/O. However, we assume that resources are shared between this app and others, so we need to do I/O to get a handle on a Resource.

newtype User = User { getToken :: String }
newtype Resource = Resource { getPath :: String }

getUser :: Request -> User
getResource :: Request -> IO Resource

Once we have the User, Resource, and request body, we execute some database mutation (left undefined) using those three parameters.

execute :: String -> User -> Resource -> IO ()

handlePost :: Request -> Response is our entry point. The whole program can be summarized as follows:

  1. Make sure the request method is POST.
  2. Make sure the request body is not empty.
  3. Get the user.
    • Make sure the “Authorization” header is present.
    • Make sure the auth token is valid.
    • Make sure there is a user associated to the auth token.
  4. Get the resource.
    • Make sure the resource at the request path exists.
  5. Execute the request.
    • Make sure the user has permission to modify the resource.
    • Make sure the modification was successfully applied.
  6. Return an appropriate response.

Each Make sure … step represents a failure where we may need to exit early, returning an appropriate response. Here is the project spec, with nine canned responses:

module Spec where

newtype User = User { getToken :: String }
newtype Resource = Resource { getPath :: String }

data Request = Request
  { path :: String
  , method :: String
  , body :: String
  , header :: [(String, String)]

data Response = Response { code :: Int, content :: String } deriving Show

success path body = Response 200 $
  "Successfully posted " ++ body ++ " to " ++ path

noBody = Response 400 $
  "You must provide a non-empty request body"

noToken = Response 401 $
  "You must provide an authorization header field"

malformedToken token = Response 401 $
  "Provided token is malformed: " ++ token

noUser token = Response 401 $
  "No user found for token: " ++ token

notPermitted path = Response 403 $
  "You do not have permission to post on " ++ path

noResource path = Response 404 $
  "No resource found for path: " ++ path

notAllowed method = Response 405 $
  "Method not allowed: " ++ method

badConnection = Response 503
  "Connection error, please try again later"

Next, we’ll take a look at our undefined terms,

module Undefined where

import Spec

is_malformed_token = undefined :: Bool
is_user_not_found = undefined :: Bool
the_user = undefined :: User
is_resource_not_found_io = undefined :: IO Bool
the_resource_io = undefined :: IO Resource
is_permitted_io = undefined :: IO Bool
is_executed_io = undefined :: IO Bool

Terms that yield Bools are prefixed by is and terms that do I/O are suffixed by io. Finally, (and just because we can) we’ll make a mass-import module,

module Project (module Spec, module Undefined) where

import Spec
import Undefined


Implementing getUser

We’ll augment getUser with error handling, so its signature will be Request -> Either Response User, and as we do, the effect implies :: Bool -> Response -> Either Response Unit will come in handy.

import Project

failure `implies` fallback = if failure then Left fallback else Right ()

getUser :: Request -> Either Response User
getUser (Request _ _ _ header) = do
  token <- maybe (Left noToken) Right $ lookup "Authorization" header
  is_malformed_token `implies` malformedToken token
  is_user_not_found `implies` noUser token
  return the_user

Easy peasy. getResource will be a somewhat more challenging.

First Attempt at getResource

First note the return type,

getResource :: Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)

We cannot return an Either Response (IO Resource), because that would mean we decide if we should exit early without doing any I/O, and then return an IO value if we don’t exit early. In fact, since is_resource_not_found_io has type IO Bool, we need to do I/O in order to construct our Either value, so the appropriate return type is IO (Either Response Resource).

getResource :: Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)
getResource (Request path _ _ _) = do
  is_resource_not_found_io `implies` noResource path

The above method looks concise and clear. Unfortunately, it doesn’t compile. implies expects a Bool, but we have an IO Bool to work with.

Second Attempt at getResource

implies' :: IO Bool -> Response -> IO (Either Response ())
failure_io `implies'` fallback = (`implies` fallback) <$> failure_io

getResource :: Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)
getResource (Request path _ _ _) = do
  is_resource_not_found_io `implies'` noResource path
  return <$> the_resource_io

We add an implies' which is something like implies but is compatible with I/O. The return on the last line maps over the IO in order to lift the Resource to an Either Response Resource. This code compiles, but it does not do what we want it to do.

To see why, suppose is_resource_not_found_io comes back false. Then implies' returns an IO (Either Response ()), but there is no associated bind assignment (e.g., no <-), so the data that the Either Response () represents is completely ignored, and the next line that creates a handle to the nonexistent resource gets executed anyway, potentially leading to data corruption and other undefined behavior. But doesn’t do notation handle the short circuit logic for us? do notation for Either does, but notice that this do block is for IO. It’s completely indeferent to whether the result of implies' is a Left value or a Right value, proceeding to the final line either way. This is harder than I thought it’d be.

Third Attempt at getResource

We need to find a way to conditionally call the_resource_io. We can do this by introducing a local assignment of type () -> IO Resource which, when called, calls the_resource_io.

getResource :: Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)
getResource (Request path _ _ _) = do
  let doResource = (\_ -> the_resource_io) :: () -> IO Resource
  notFound <- is_resource_not_found_io `implies'` noResource path
  doResource `traverse` notFound

The result of implies' is bound to notFound, shedding the IO and leaving an Either Response (). Conceptually, we want to apply doResource to notFound, preserving the short-circuit logic provided by Either. To accomplish this, we use the standard library function traverse (definition below, with type signature specialized to our use case).

traverse :: (a -> IO b) -> Either e a -> IO (Either e b)
f `traverse` (Left e) = return (Left e) -- ignores f, lifting `Left e`
f `traverse` (Right a) = Right <$> f a -- applies f, then maps `Right`

Notice in the Left case, we ignore f and return a lifted Left value, preserving our desired short-circuit semantics. Armed with traverse, our getResource function finally mixes I/O and failure handling correctly.

I should note that traverse works whenever you replace IO and Either e with an arbitrary Applicative and Traversable, respectively.

Implementing execute

We use what we learned from getResource when writing execute. Since we don’t want to write to the resource if the user doesn’t have permission, we want to apply is_executed_io conditionally. We create a temporary () -> IO Bool to wrap it. Our do block will be over IO, so we will need to bind some of our Either values using >>= explicitly.

execute :: String -> User -> Resource -> IO (Either Response ())
execute body user (Resource path) = do
  let doExecuted = (\_ -> is_executed_io) :: () -> IO Bool
  permitted <- (not <$> is_permitted_io) `implies'` notPermitted path
  executed <- doExecuted `traverse` permitted
  return ((not <$> executed) >>= (`implies` badConnection))

permitted has type Either Response (). We use traverse to conditionally apply doExecute and assign the result (of type Either Response Bool) to executed. We want to finish with not executed `implies` badConnection, but we need to do some type Tetris to make everything fit. not <$> executed has type Either Response Bool. We use >>= to bind its Bool result to (`implies` badConnection), resulting in an Either Response (). Finally, return lifts us to IO (Either Response ()), as desired.

Implementing handlePost

As we implement handlePost, we’ll make use of the following helper function:

import Control.Monad (join)


tunnel :: Either e (IO (Either e a)) -> IO (Either e a)
tunnel eitherIoEither = join <$> sequenceA eitherIoEither

tunnel commutes the outer Either with the IO and then maps over the IO to combine the two Eithers inside.

We’ll want to conditionally apply getResource and execute using the same conditional-execution trick we used in their definitions, so we’ll add a () argument (that we simply ignore) to each.

getResource :: () -> Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)
getResource _ (Request path _ _ _) = do ...

execute :: () -> String -> User -> Resource -> IO (Either Response ())
execute _ body user (Resource path) = do ...

handlePost needs to take a Request to an IO Response, completely eliminating any Either context. Let’s take a look at handlePost and then discuss.

handlePost :: Request -> IO Response
handlePost req@(Request path method body _) = either id id <$> result
    chkMth = (method /= "POST") `implies` notAllowed method
    errBdy = null body `implies` noBody >> return body
    errUsr = getUser req
    precon = chkMth >> errBdy >> errUsr >> return ()
    result = do
      errSrc <- tunnel (getResource <$> precon <*> pure req)
      errExe <- tunnel (execute <$> precon <*> errBdy <*> errUsr <*> errSrc)
      return (errExe >> return (success path body))

We begin by checking and collecting our preconditions. chkMth has type Either Response (), errBdy has type Either Response String, errUsr has type Either Response User, and precon has type Either Response (). We use precon to conditionally apply getResource and execute, and we use tunnel to remove nesting. errExe has type Either Response () and gates the final success response. Finally, result has type IO (Either Response Response), over which we map either id id to produce the desired IO Response, completing the program.

Parting Thoughts

This is hard work. I’ve heard the saying “monads give you one free abstraction,” and the meaning of that saying really hit home while I was doing this exercise. Once we had two monads in play, the code became significantly more complicated. Fortunately, we have some help. The heavy lifters are fmap (via <$>), the applicative <*>, >> and >>=, and traverse. In general, I find that when I’m stuck in a quagmire of types, traverse (and it’s cousins, for and sequenceA) are exactly what I need to dig my way out. Always keep them in mind.

I made extensive use of standard Haskell tools, such as Hoogle and the REPL. I found that it helps to pay close attention to compiler errors.

Another crutch I lean heavily on is scratch paper and pencil (not pen). For every function here except for getUser, I had to break out the old-fashioned notepad and write some type signatures out. Here I am trying to figure out the implementation of execute.

Me, trying to figure out `execute`

Notice I write out what I have and what I want. If you are a Haskell nomad, I highly recommend you develop your own paper/pencil crutch. Don’t underestimate the insight you can gain from changing your vantage point this way. Specifically, paper and pencil helps me with equational reasoning (a kind of value-level reasoning) and type unification (a kind of type-level reasoning). I should probably write posts about those one of these days.

Most of our woes are caused by using do notation for IO when what we really want is do notation for Either. One way to avoid these woes is to use explicit >>= for our IO, reserving do notation for our conditional logic. I doubt that this would simplify the code significantly. A different approach we could try is using monad transformers to create a composite monad that combines the sequential execution semantics of IO with the short-circuit semantics of Either. I’ve been meaning to learn how to use monad transformers, so if I get motivated enough I’ll write up a post reimplementing this program.


Here are working code examples. With all of these files in the same directory and GHC installed, you can run the tests with runghc Test.hs and open individual files in GHCi.


module Spec where

newtype User = User { getToken :: String }
newtype Resource = Resource { getPath :: String }

data Request = Request
  { path :: String
  , method :: String
  , body :: String
  , header :: [(String, String)]

data Response = Response { code :: Int, content :: String } deriving Show

success path body = Response 200 $
  "Successfully posted " ++ body ++ " to " ++ path

noBody = Response 400 $
  "You must provide a non-empty request body"

noToken = Response 401 $
  "You must provide an authorization header field"

malformedToken token = Response 401 $
  "Provided token is malformed: " ++ token

noUser token = Response 401 $
  "No user found for token: " ++ token

notPermitted path = Response 403 $
  "You do not have permission to post on " ++ path

noResource path = Response 404 $
  "No resource found for path: " ++ path

notAllowed method = Response 405 $
  "Method not allowed: " ++ method

badConnection = Response 503
  "Connection error, please try again later"


module Undefined where

import Spec

is_malformed_token = undefined :: Bool
is_user_not_found = undefined :: Bool
the_user = undefined :: User
is_resource_not_found_io = undefined :: IO Bool
the_resource_io = undefined :: IO Resource
is_permitted_io = undefined :: IO Bool
is_executed_io = undefined :: IO Bool


module Project (module Spec, module Undefined) where

import Spec
import Undefined


module Eithers where

import Project
import Control.Monad (join)

failure `implies` fallback = if failure then Left fallback else Right ()
failures `implies'` fallback = (`implies` fallback) <$> failures

getUser :: Request -> Either Response User
getUser (Request _ _ _ header) = do
  token <- maybe (Left noToken) Right $ lookup "Authorization" header
  is_malformed_token `implies` malformedToken token
  is_user_not_found `implies` noUser token
  return the_user

getResource :: () -> Request -> IO (Either Response Resource)
getResource method (Request path _ _ _) = do
  let doResource = (\_ -> the_resource_io) :: () -> IO Resource
  notFound <- is_resource_not_found_io `implies'` noResource path
  doResource `traverse` notFound

execute :: () -> String -> User -> Resource -> IO (Either Response ())
execute method body usr (Resource path) = do
  let doExecuted = (\_ -> is_executed_io) :: () -> IO Bool
  permitted <- (not <$> is_permitted_io) `implies'` notPermitted path
  executed <- doExecuted `traverse` permitted
  return ((not <$> executed) >>= (`implies` badConnection))

handlePost :: Request -> IO Response
handlePost req@(Request path method body _) = either id id <$> result
    tunnel eitherIoEither = join <$> sequenceA eitherIoEither
    chkMth = (method /= "POST") `implies` notAllowed method
    errBdy = null body `implies` noBody >> return body
    errUsr = getUser req
    precon = chkMth >> errBdy >> errUsr >> return ()
    result = do
      errSrc <- tunnel (getResource <$> precon <*> pure req)
      errExe <- tunnel (execute <$> precon <*> errBdy <*> errUsr <*> errSrc)
      return (errExe >> return (success path body))


module Test where

import Project
import Eithers

request1 = Request "path" "POST" "" [("Authorization", "hunter2")]
request2 = Request "path" "POST" "body" [("Nope", "nada")]
request3 = Request "path" "FOO" "body" [("Authorization", "hunter2")]

main :: IO ()
main = do

  putStrLn ""

  putStrLn "Testing Eithers:"
  eResponse1 <- handlePost request1
  putStrLn $ "    " ++ show eResponse1
  eResponse2 <- handlePost request2
  putStrLn $ "    " ++ show eResponse2
  cResponse3 <- handlePost request3
  putStrLn $ "    " ++ show cResponse3
  putStrLn "Passed."

  putStrLn ""